Toss me a ball or two

2024-10-21T21:42:29+00:00By |

From the outside, we see each other as managing humans. Juggling our way through life. But when we have the invisible balls added in to our mix, we are furiously trying to stay afloat - arms and hands waving, hyper focusing, and dropping some of the typical balls, because the heavy ones need more of us mentally and emotionally.


2024-08-16T20:28:23+00:00By |

When I started my coaching training in 2020, it was a pretty intense program. I remember one of the peer-coaching sessions, I was describe as resilient over and over again. It was meant to be a compliment about my character - always rising up, finding a way, and facing challenges with successful outcome. I was strong and dependable. The person that people turned to because of my resiliency.

Keep your Cool 😨

2024-02-13T18:33:01+00:00By |

Are you ever a bull in a China shop? I have the privilege of volunteering in a few classrooms, and teach through a program called YMCA's Project Cornerstone. Recently in classes, I read the book Clovis Keeps His Cool by Katelyn Aronson. Here's a link to the video read-aloud if you're interested.

Beauty Exists in Shadows

2024-02-28T19:52:32+00:00By |

Recently, I was caught driving toward the middle of a beautiful mountain ranges. To my left, a snow kissed mountain range was subdued, sitting in the shadows. To my right, a snow kissed mountain range was bright, absorbing the sunshine. Both mountain ranges were equally beautiful and majestic. Both coexisted, and both created beauty.

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