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A woman named Joy

March 6, 2025|

The other morning I had an interaction that was unexpected. I was expecting to wake up to blizzard-like conditions, only to see that there was a small amount of slick snow, and no ice on my path. So, I put on my shoes and got the young [...]

Meant to be +

February 25, 2025|

If you would have told me 5 years ago that here I would sit - this business launched, living in Colorado, substitute teaching, walking and navigating some of life's largest hards... I would have called you crazy (or, maybe even something worse).

Grief Comes with Change

January 21, 2025|

Hello again, I recently heard a mindset-altering phrase: GRIEF COMES WITH CHANGE And honestly, that one hit me in the gut. Think back to the last time you finished a really good book, a TV series ended, had a change in a relationship, job shifts, said hello/goodbye [...]

Don’t miss out –

January 3, 2025|

A quick note to wish you a happy 2025! I had a lot of personal growth (stretching, uncomfortable, stripped to the bones growth) in 2024, and I am starting out this year in the same boat. And for the growth, I am grateful and constantly humbled with how dynamic life can be.

First snow 💙

November 4, 2024|Tags: , , , |

I got up this morning - extra early because the dogs don't understand the time change - and there was a blanket of fresh snow. My morning was absolutely ruined. (No, not really of course.) My morning routine of getting up, taking my 6-month old pup for a walk, and then having my coffee + quiet time needing adjusting. It was icy, snowy, and chilly. And, I was resistant to that change because I wanted things my way on Monday, the way I've designed. I desired the consistency today. And, I didn't get my desires met.

Mindset Matters & Forgiveness, too!

September 4, 2024|

Why does mindset matter? Our mindset plays a vital role in how we show up - with ourself, significant others, strangers, children, a boss, and colleagues. Heck, even our pets. If we walk around with a negative mindset thinking "the world is out to get me", "I don't matter", "I messed up again", we carry that mindset into most things we do and touch.


August 16, 2024|

When I started my coaching training in 2020, it was a pretty intense program. I remember one of the peer-coaching sessions, I was describe as resilient over and over again. It was meant to be a compliment about my character - always rising up, finding a way, and facing challenges with successful outcome. I was strong and dependable. The person that people turned to because of my resiliency.

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