Peter Walsh, best selling author said:

“What I know for sure is that when your declutter – whether it’s your home, your head, or your heart – it is astounding what will flow into that space that will enrich you, your life, and your family.”

My progression to coaching was largely due to the shifts in perspective, life, relationships, and productivity that I saw when working for over 10 years with organizing clients.

I noticed that the ‘stuff’ that people accumulated was a #1 contributor in holding them back from their happiness, goals, and connectedness in relationships.

When work is done to create change (environment, relationships, self, etc.) a person often notices that change is a catalyst in other aspects of their life. If you’re up for it, choose one thing from this list of 50 Small Changes that Can Significantly Transform Your Life.

Set a goal to do that one thing daily for the remainder of April. Let me know what you choose and any changes that you notice.

Small shifts yield great results.

Speaking of small…

Small groups and webinars are coming! If you have any interest in the following (or have questions), please reply back to this email and I’ll make sure that you receive the first chance at registration!

  • Parents’ Perspective vs Kids’ Reality (chat/support group)
  • Emotional Intelligence (webinar and group option)
  • Mindset Shift Workshop (group + individual coaching included)
  • The Power of Forgiveness (group + individual coaching)
  • What is Enough? (webinar and group option)
  • Recovery Matters (chat/support group)