What is meant to be, will always find a way.

If you would have told me 5 years ago that here I would sit – this business launched, living in Colorado, substitute teaching, walking and navigating some of life’s largest hards… I would have called you crazy (or, maybe even something worse).

But, that’s what life is. It’s a series of twists and turns of events that line up and ultimately, many are simply out of my control. And that’s a really beautiful aspect of life. When we can embrace the concept of “IT IS” (or a variation) it takes a bit of the pressure off of that control. For example:

  • Life is hard right now. IT IS.
  • Life is amazing right now. IT IS.
  • I feel excited right now. I AM.
  • I like mint chocolate cookie ice cream. I DO.
  • Tomorrow is a new day. IT IS.

So, what’s meant to be will always find a way. IT WILL and I WILL.

And, all I have to do is follow the path that has been laid out for me, and take the first step. Because, what’s meant to be will always find a way – even if I stray the course from time to time. Which, I WILL. And, my path will adjust so I find a way.

Keep on your path,



I nerd out to things brain and psychology related. Here’s a solid article on the Psychology of Change that’s worth a read:

Gentle Reminders:

If you’re ready for a boost in skills to help with the adjustments to change, I have a few options.

  • Curious what Positive Intelligence is, and want to know your Saboteurs? Book aPQ Saboteur Assessment, and get a glimpse.
  • Shift your Mindset– 6 week program – now offered on a rolling basis for individuals and/or groups!