Every person you meet is carrying 2 sets of juggling balls.

In the first set are the typical juggling balls. Weighted the same, same size, and meant to be balanced for structure and consistency. I see these as the foundational components of life that most adult can relate to and adequately manage – balance of work and life, family, friends, health, etc. The everyday things that you are able to do.

Then, there’s a second set – the invisible juggling balls. These are ones that are unique to a person and the current hards experienced in life. These are also the ones that aren’t shared with others in passing. They’re invisible – and some are sharp, oversized, and really, really heavy. And – they’re waiting to explode and full of emotions. These get in the way of your ability to move forward because they’re so hot and charged, and consuming in your brain.

From the outside, we see each other as managing humans. Juggling our way through life. But when we have the invisible balls added in to our mix, we are furiously trying to stay afloat – arms and hands waving, hyper focusing, and dropping some of the typical balls, because the heavy ones need more of us mentally and emotionally.

How does this relate to coaching, you ask?

In coaching, we start our focus on the first set of typical juggling balls. Once trust is solidified, we begin to identify and investigate the invisible balls, and what those are doing to the balance you’re hoping to achieve. Think of me as your juggling coach AND juggling partner. When you have the mix of typical and invisible balls furiously being tossed above you, toss some my way. Doing this brings awareness to the sharp, oversized, and really heavy full of emotions balls. It gives you a split second to see what you want to do with the next ball coming your way. It also allows you to see the invisible ball for what it is, and what it is not. When I’m holding the ball, its motion is stopped, and you can actually SEE it.

As you coach and partner when you’re ready, I’ll toss one of the balls back in. And this time it will be visible. And you can toss a different invisible one back for further investigating. Pretty soon, you’ll be juggling all visible balls and able to recognize when an invisible one pops back into your routine.

As you move through your day and week, try to identify what those invisible balls are that you are juggling. If we draw attention to them, they’re less likely to be as heavy and sharp, and waiting to explode.

There is so much power in shining light on the invisible.

If you’re ready for some transformation, I have a few options that might jump-start you. Check these out:

  • Curious what Positive Intelligence is, and want to know your Saboteurs? Book a PQ Saboteur Assessment, and get a glimpse.
  • Shift your Mindset – 6 week program – now offered on a rolling basis for individuals and/or groups!
  • Forgiveness Program – 8 week individual program (inquire for details)

Did you know? I love speaking at events!

I really enjoy speaking at events. If you are in need of a speaker (virtual or in person), please let me know.
We can tailor the content to your needs, and here are some prepared talks:

Enneagram – What is it, and why is it important?
Forgiveness – An Act of Self-Love
A New Path – Go Around the Wall