Be a pretzel.

Life is a pretzel, so enjoy the twists and turns.

It’s the time of year of closure – work projects closing up, taxes done and finalized, schooltime is almost (or already) done. It’s also the time of year where calendars begin to book up, plans change, weekends are full. And it can be (in my experience) a recipe for boggle-brain making.

So, as much as I like consistent, constant, and control, I remain flexible. I put my need for control aside, and know that what I can control is remaining flexible. I’m not a fan of last minute changes, or unknowns. And embracing that about myself hasn’t come easy to me. It takes daily practice, and knowing that my being flexible isn’t me not caring. It’s me taking life as it comes, and growing.

As you venture throughout the day, I challenge you to recognize those things that are weighing you down that are totally outside of your control.

  • Where can you practice more flexibility to aide in your daily outlook?
  • What can you let roll off, knowing that you are ONE person in the situation?
  • When do you need to take a step-aside, and yield?
  • What would it look like to be more flexible?

Consider your day a pretzel. You can take that pretzel and salt it, you can grab a soft one, hard one, one dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. You’ll always start the day with the pretzel, so how will you manage it’s twists and turns, and what can you do to make it more desirable?


Are you a teacher or educator? I am offering $50 sessions for teachers and educators in June and July. That’s a 50% discount!

Contact me directly for your code.

And finally – Recently, my colleague invited me on The Positive Mindset Podcast with Natacha Dacine. Natacha and I met in a program last year, and really connected. It was amazing sharing the podcast space with her.