View of snowy mountain range

Beauty Exists in Shadows

Recently, I was caught driving toward the middle of a beautiful mountain ranges.

To my left, a snow kissed mountain range was subdued, sitting in the shadows.

To my right, a snow kissed mountain range was bright, absorbing the sunshine.

Both mountain ranges were equally beautiful and majestic.

Both coexisted, and both created beauty.

It was possible for one part of the mountain range to be shadowed in darkness while the other was engulfed in sunshine.

And, sometime as individuals we shine light on our bright spots to deflect from our darkness. It’s too cold and daunting to go there, so we choose to keep it in the dark. The perspective that dawned on me was that even in the midst of shadows, beauty exists, if we choose to see it.

Things to ponder:

  • What aspects of your life are you keeping in the shadows that deserve an adjustment in light?
  • What aspects are you highlighting to keep away from the darkness?
  • At what points in life have you been settled where your light and dark coexisted?

It’s in my reflection and pondering that I connect concepts and conversations with others. I find it’s when I share those with others that I have the most ‘ah-ha!’ moments.

Who do I work with?

I work with individuals who are seeking more emotional awareness, and want to bring stability to the emotional rollercoaster. Primarily, parents and educators find my style of coaching beneficial. I also work with those in leadership and executive roles. Emotional awareness leads to connect of self and others, creating opportunities for impactful and deeper relationships based on understanding.